“Mr McIndoe was wonderful. He listened to everything I had to say and provided sound feedback. I’ve been looking for a good gynaecologist for some time now and have finally found one! I would definitely recommend Mr McIndoe and his wonderful staff!"
Anne, Oxford
You may not be surprised the concern doctors share with patients self diagnosing because we are very much aware that each and every case is different, unique to the patient. That's why the best person to answer your questions will always be your specialist. However we equally appreciate that there is so much information that is readily available via the internet that we'd prefer it if you referenced a trusted source.
Conditions, procedures and treatments
Within this section we have listed the most common conditions presented to us and the treatment we most commonly undertake to manage them. While this list is comprehensive it is by no means exhaustive. Therefore if you cannot see the answer to the question you were seeking or would like further clarification please call us.
Cervical Cancer
Cervical Smear Test
Desquamative Inflammatory Vaginitis (DIV)
Fallopian Tube and PrimaryPeritoneum Cancer
Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN)